How To Deal With Redundancy

3 min readOct 29, 2020
Source — Pinterest

Redundancy. The word of doom. Or is it really?

I guess it depends on how we see it. One may see it as an opportunity, whereas the other may see it as a devastating revelation. However, no matter the belief, we all at some point experience a mixture of emotions.

I was made redundant August , 2020 as a result of the pandemic. At first I had a mixture of feelings. Confusion, sadness, mixed with anxiety and a dash of anger. Angry at what? One may ask. Angry that I was in a situation out of my control and I had officially gone into the zone of the “unknown”. Scary right!?.

Over time and with a little patience, I worked out a way to manage my anxiety and move forward in a more positive, progressive way.

Below I share 5 crucial points I learned on this journey of Redundancy and I hope I am help someone establish stability in this “not so stable time”.

  1. Embrace

It’s time to let go of what once was and start welcoming what is. Welcome the array of emotions and uncertainty Yes we’re embracing it all!

We need to accept what has happened in order to move on, mentally and physically. Only once we do this, will we truly be able to get into the right headspace for proactive, future growth.

2. Accept help

So you’ve probably been working since the age of 16 and so used to providing for yourself or your simply just not so accustomed to asking for help. The word ‘help’ to some can be dictated as weakness. Lets shake that off and realise even the most strong at times needs help. Lets shift that negative energy that will hinder you, into more of a positive outlook. Ask for help and accept the help.

3. Be proactive

So now we are in the zone of the “unknown”. Life has yet again shocked us! What are we going to do now? You’ve embraced your emotions and are open to receiving help. It’s now time to get proactive.

Are you hoping to stay within the same career? Yes, ok, let’s start looking for a job, update your CV, reach out to recruiters or companies directly.

Or maybe you are taking this opportunity to do something you’ve always wanted to do or something different. Let’s brainstorm and start making progress in the areas we need to improve in to make this happen.

4. Create a routine

As well as all of the above, we need to stay mentally stimulated. Without this we wont be able to function in order to effectively achieve our goals.

Create a routine. Plan a time to get up in the morning and stick to it guys! Use the time in the morning to uplift yourself. Create a positive atmosphere for the day ahead.

I find it helpful to plan my day the night before, it helps me to stay on track and stops the procrastinating.

5. Be Kind

Lastly, be kind to yourself. This isn’t your fault and hasn’t happened because of something you have done. You are not alone. Don’t be so hard on yourself, you’ve got this and will get through this.

With Love,

Jade x




Just a girl who writes about whatever comes to mind.